明朝初期の皇帝権力・文化政策・科挙(ベンジャミン A・エルマン(田尻健太 訳))
「五倫天下関係論」倫理秩序の原理解析(張 啓 雄(瀬尾光平 訳))
元禄十六年十二月の七社七寺祈祷・内侍所御神楽と徳川綱吉(野村 玄)
第Ⅰ部 「中華帝国」の形成と確立――古代・中世の中国
班固「両都賦」と張衡「二京賦」――後漢知識人の洛陽(雒邑)観 初探――(井ノ口哲也)
東晋南朝の権力基盤と江南社会――晋宋交替期を中心として――(李 済 滄)
第Ⅱ部 「日本」の成立と展開――古代・中世の日本
貞観八年の広野河事件について(王 海 燕)
三輪流神道の形成(伊藤 聡)
第Ⅲ部 「東アジア」の「近世」――中国の場合
北宋藍田呂氏家族墓園にみる家族秩序(佐々木 愛)
蘇軾の内丹説――その特徴と意義――(横手 裕)
人材を辨ず――真徳秀『大学衍義』の君主論――(小島 毅)
『朱子語類』巻一百八「論治道」篇訳注(一) 1条~16条(恩田裕正)
〈研究ノート〉「中」に悩む劉東星――李贄との共鳴、呂坤からの非難(林 文孝)
第Ⅳ部 「東アジア」の「近世」――日本と朝鮮・韓国
五人組帳の思想史的考察(前田 勉)
『朱子言論同異攷』成立過程小考(中 純夫)
第Ⅴ部 「近代」の胎動とダイナミズム
国際法における中国の歴史的位置づけ(周 圓)
梁啓超の自然法思想の「発見」(李 暁 東)
〈研究ノート〉高橋亨の朝鮮思想史学(権 純哲)
――近代中国における中、西洋医学論争をめぐって――(李 梁)
現代中国における伝統再帰に関する一思考(銭 国 紅)
陶徳民氏の著書について(山村 奨)
East Asian Kingship and Social Order
in a Comparative Context
:Focusing on Thought, Religion and Rites
ITO Takayuki ed.
ITO Takayuki, "Introduction" ……………… ⅰ
Special Contribution:
Benjamin A. ELMAN (Trans. by TAJIRI Kenta), "Early Ming Imperial Power, Cultural Politics, and Civil Examinations" ……………… 5
Chang Chi-hsiung (Trans. by SEO Kohei), "The Principle Analysis of the Tianxia(天下)Order by the Five Cardinal Relationships"(五倫)……………… 35
IWAMOTO Kenji, "The Interpretation of Xuzi(虚字)in GongyangZhuan(公羊伝)and Zhu(注)" ……………… 57
KAMIKAWA Michio, "Pilgrimage Monks and The Society of The People in the Middle Ages of Japan:Buddhism from the outside with the possibility of being found as a universal thought" ……………… 63
NOMURA Gen, "Shichisha shichiji kitō (Prayers at seven shrines and seven temples), the Naishidokoro Mikagura of Genroku 16.12 (1703), and Tokugawa Tsunayoshi(徳川綱吉): Was There a Competition Between the Tennō (the Emperor) and the Shōgun in Religious Functions? " ……………… 79
Ⅰ.The Formation and Establishment of Imperial China:From the Ancient to Medieval Period
HOTATE Michihisa, "The Relationship between Lao Zhuang Thought(老荘思想)
and Japanese Mythology" ……………… 97
SATO, Masayuki, "The Development of Scholarly Traditions and State Institutions of Li (礼) and the Characteristics of Xunzi(荀子) 's Theory of Li as their Origin"
……………… 113
HASEBE Eiichi, "The Thought of Calendar Reform in Ancient China" ………… 129
YOSHIMORI Kensuke, "Despotism and Centralization of Power in China:The Status of an Emperor and Centralized Government from the Han(漢) dynasty to the Sui-Tang (隋唐) dynasties" ……………… 145
KUDO Takushi, "The Thoughts on Prenatal Care in Western Han: Focusing on the Political Significance of Taijiaopian(胎教篇) in Jia Yi's Xinshu(賈誼新書) " ……………… 161
FUKAGAWA Maki, "A Study of the Theory of Suburban Sacrifice in Chunqiu Fanlu (春秋繁露)" ……………… 177
INOKUCHI Tetsuya, " Ban Gu(班固) 's Liang-du-fu(両都賦) and Zhang Heng(張衡) 's Er-jing-fu(二京賦): First research on some intellectuals' view of Luo-yang(洛陽)or Luo-yi(雒邑) in Later Han dynasty" ……………… 193
TOYODA Hiroaki, "The irregular structure of the Daimei Palace(大明宮)of Tang dynasty(唐朝) is caused by the original character as the detached palace” ……………… 207
LI JI CANG, "The power base of the Eastern Jin(晋)and Southern Dynasties(南朝), and the Jiangnan(江南) society in the same period:Centering on the alternation of Jin(晋)and Song(宋) Dynasties" ……………… 223
KOGACHI Ryuichi, "The Collection of Chinese Buddhist Canon in the Sui Dynasty:
on Baotai Jingzang (宝台経蔵)" ……………… 239
KITSUKAWA Tomoaki, "BUddhist Modes of Thought in Early Tang(唐) China"
……………… 253
WATANABE Yoshihiro, "Liu Zhiji(劉知幾)'s Historiographical Thought and Wen Xin Diao Long(文心雕龍) " ……………… 269
KISHIMOTO Mio, "Taitou(擡頭) as an Expression of Respect in East Asian Historical Documents" ……………… 285
Ⅱ.The Birth and Creation of Japan:From the Ancient to Medieval Period
KURAMOTO Kazuhiro, "Over the Ancient Japanese Monarch's Title, especially in The Mid-Heian Period or the Age of Regency" ……………… 303
MINAKUCHI Takuju, "The Wu-hsing(五行)Divination Focused on a Mouse and a Horse: An Inquiry into the Influence on and from the Nihon Shoki(日本書紀)" ……………… 319
OKUBO Ryousyun, "Several Issues in Japanese Tendai(天台)Affirmations of Reality and the Bodies of the Buddha" ……………… 335
WANG Haiyan, "A Study of the Hirono-Kawa(広野河) Water Conflict in 866"
……………… 351
KONDO Shigekazu, "The 'Horse-Race' for the Throne: Imperial Succession in Medieval Japan" ……………… 367
ENDO Motoo, "Regulatory Codes for the Extravagance(過差) with Monks on New Royal Laws(公家新制) " ……………… 383
TESHIMA Takahiro, "Notes on Recent Descriptions about Monks Who Made Voyages to Northern Song(北宋) China" ……………… 399
ITO Satoshi,"The Origin of Miwa-ryu Shinto(三輪流神道) " ……………… 415
SHIGETA Michi, "The Concept of Tenka(天下) and Sovereignty in Late Medieval Japan:The Relationship between the Effective Territorial Control by the Warriors and the Significance of the Emperor's Existence" ……………… 431
Ⅲ.Considering the Early Modern in the History of East Asia(1):China
KOJIMA Tsuyoshi, "Appoint Good Ministers: The Most Important Work to Request form the Monarch in Zhen Dexiu(真徳秀)'s Daxue Yanyi(大学衍義)" ……………… 449
SASAKI Megumi, "Family Principles of the Northern Song(北宋) Dynasty as Seen in the Lü Family(呂氏) Graveyard in Lantian(藍田)" ……………… 463
YOKOTE Yutaka, "Inner Alchemy(内丹) of Su Shi(蘇軾): Its Characteristics and Significance. " ……………… 479
MATSUSHITA Michinobu, "The Three-Vehicle(Tri-Yāna三乗) and Sudden and Gradual Enlightenment(頓漸) Teachings When the Quanzhen Sect(全真教) and the Song-Era Inner Alchemy School(宋代内丹道) Were Fused: Focusing on Li Daochun(李道純) and Niu Daochun(牛道淳) " ……………… 495
ONDA Hiromasa, "The Lunzhidaopian(論知道篇)of the Zhuziyulei(朱子語類):
an annoted translation, partⅠ" ……………… 511
ARATA Motonori, "The Critical Investigation of a Narrative on Boyi(伯夷) Brothers and Its Implication as Confucian Theory of Monarchy:With a Focus on Wangzhi(王直)' s Ten Arguments over Boyi and Shuqi(夷斉十弁)" ……………… 527
HAYASHI Humitaka, "Liu Dongxing(劉東星)'s Trouble with the Doctrine of the Mean(中): in His Communications with Li Zhi(李贄) and Lü Kun(呂坤)" ……………… 543
MATSUNO Toshiyuki, "A Study of of Ge-gu(割股) in early Ming(明) China:Ban and Encouragement to the Palace of Han Prince(韓王府)" ……………… 557
SUGIYAMA Kiyohiko, "An Essay on the Emperorship and the Imperial throne of the Qing Empire(大清帝国) as the Manchu Khanate" ……………… 571
NISHIZAWA Haruhiko, "On the Chinese Rites Controversy from the Viewpoint of Koutou(叩頭)" ……………… 587
ITO Takayuki, "An Essay on the Status Quo of the Socio-political Structure
in Traditional China" ……………… 603
Ⅳ.Considering the Early Modern in the History of East Asia(2):Japan and Korea
MAEDA Tsutomu, "The Study of Intellectual History on Goningumichou(五人組張)"
……………… 621
TSUCHIDA Kenjiro, "On the Theory of the Orthodoxy of the Emperor of Japan:ASAMI Keisai(浅見絅斎)'s The Seiken-igen(靖献遺言) and Zhu Xi'(朱熹)s Doctrine" ……………… 637
AZUMA Juji, "On a Crisis of Confucian Rituals in OGYU Sorai(荻生徂徠)"
……………… 653
NAKA Sumio, "An Essay on the Process of the Formation of Zhuzi yanlun tongyika(朱子言論同異攷)" ……………… 669
SAWAI Keiichi, "Concepts of the Ritualistic Community(祭祀共同体) in Early Modern East Asia" ……………… 685
KOJIMA Kyoko, "Kingship in Ainu Oral Tradition : Consideration a Case of Peripheral Peoples of East Asia Who Did not Create a Kingdom" ……………… 701
NAGATOMI Seiji, "About the Publishing and Impact of Anti-Christ Bibliography Po Xie Ji(破邪集) in Japan" ……………… 717
TAGUCHI Yuka, "The British View on the Japanese Political Statuses of the Japanese Emperor(天皇), the Tokugawa Government(将軍), Feudal Lords(大名) at the End of the Edo Period :A Case of the Period of between the Shimonoseki(下関) War and the Baku-Cho(幕長) War" ……………… 733
SUEKI Fumihiko, "Mutobe Yoshika(六人部是香)'s Idea on the Royal Power and the World of the Dead" ……………… 747
Ⅴ.The Dynamism of East Asian Modernity
MOTEGI Toshio, "Functions of Royal Authority in Modern East Asia" ………… 765
ZHOU Yuan, "China's Legal Status in the Classics of International Law: Transition of the Idea of ius gentium(万民法)" ……………… 779
LI Xiao-dong, "LIANG Qi-chao(梁啓超): Discovering Natural Law in Modern China" ……………… 795
KWON Soon Chul, "A Research Memorandum on Takahashi Toru(高橋亨)'s Studies on the History of the Korean Thought" ……………… 811
LI Liang, "With the Aim of Creating a Modern Medical System:On the Controversy Between Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine" ……………… 827
Qian Guohong, "A Thought about Traditional Recursion in Modern China" …… 841
YAMAMURA Sho, "On the Tao De-min(陶徳民)'s Writings" ……………… 857
ARAI Nahoko, "Language, Protocol: Kingship and Order Considered from the Perspective of Standardization" ……………… 873
Conclusion:ITO Takayuki………889
About the Authors:………7